After 2+ Years – Wayfarers Are Back!

Tuesday 8th March saw a long awaited return to the risers for Southport’s Wayfarers Chorus. Just like the rest of the world, the past two years have been notable for the impact of the Covid pandemic.

After rehearsing using Zoom for many months, the Wayfarers were able to resume face to face rehearsals in September 2021. The challenge of bringing our repertoire back up to performance standard was fully embraced by both chorus and our new Music Director, Barry Nowell. We predicted it would take six months and there was only one way to find out if we were correct.

On 8th March, Wayfarers gave their first paid performance of the new era, to members of Southport and Formby Association of the National Trust (SoFA). I am pleased to say that any concerns we may have had were proven to be unnecessary. The room acoustics were superb, the chorus in excellent voice and the audience very happy with the show.

The only thing left to say is that we hope our remaining members will soon be able to join us in person, strengthening our chorus even further.

Onwards and upwards.