Wayfarers Chorus History
The Wayfarers Chorus was born in 1989. A public performance from Liverpool Barbershop Chorus inspired a handful of keen singers to recruit members from Southport and surrounding areas. This early group was led by led by John Corcoran and John Moore.
The name ‘Wayfarers Chorus’ was accorded to us by Arthur Pedlar Arthur was an amateur clown of some repute and part of the family who owned Southport’s famous Wayfarers Arcade. He also became the chorus’ life patron.
The chorus has gone from strength to strength and now numbers around 35 performing members and many associate members. Most of our members live in the Southport area, but we have a number from Crosby.
Every few years we run ‘Learn To Sing’ courses, in which we invite
Each year we sponsor the ‘Wayfarers Trophy’ at the Southport Music Festival, awarded to the best chorus at the festival.
Although Wayfarers started as a Barbershop chorus, we are now a close harmony ‘a capella’ chorus.
Take a look at some of the songs we have sung over the years.