Sing With Us

If you have ever enjoyed singing, even on your own in the shower, why not come along to one of our practice nights. We are a friendly group and you will be made very welcome.
You can either just chat to us and watch the practice, or you can discuss your voice with Barry, our MD and see which voice part may suit your range and style.
If you decide you are interested in joining us we will ask you to learn one of our songs in your chosen voice part and you will be given plenty of support in doing so. If you can master that (or come close) you are on your way to becoming a member of the chorus.
We practice every Tuesday night, from 7:30pm, in Southport, perfecting existing songs, learning new ones and preparing for sing-outs.
Some of the chorus have formed quartets and every year we have a friendly quartet contest, most of the quartets being put together just for that night. Our Christmas party is something not to be missed, with the chorus members displaying their other talents in an evening of varied entertainment.
Although there is no commitment to do so, most of the chorus take part in our performances when we ‘sing-out’, at charity events, private parties and social occasions. We receive donations for our performances and most of what we receive is passed on to our chosen charity of the moment.
We are always looking for new members to keep the chorus going strong. So if you fancy having some fun, doing something that relieves stress and helps others too, come along and have a sing with us. Scientists have proven that singing is good for you and we can back that up, our oldest member is still going strong in his 90s!
For more information, just fill in our contact form and we’ll get in touch as soon as possible. While you’re waiting take a look around the site.