Learn To Sing In Harmony

Almost everybody loves music and almost everybody is capable of singing. Some people just need a little encouragement whilst others find themselves singing along to songs wherever they may be.
If you have ever thought you might like to learn how to sing, or to improve your singing, now is your chance. In Autumn 2022 Wayfarers Chorus will be running a free ‘Learn To Sing’ course.
The course is open to male residents of Southport and surrounding areas and will take place on Tuesday evenings, running from Tuesday 18th October for four weeks. During those four sessions you will be guided through the basics and learn a song or two, which you will have the opportunity to sing along with the chorus.
It’s a scientifically proven fact that singing is a healthy pastime and our chorus all agree it makes them happy, especially when we master a new song.
More details of the course content will be released closer to the time, but places are limited so register your interest soon to be sure not to miss this opportunity.
To register your interest, fill in the form below.
We look forward to welcoming you to the world of song!