Wayfarers Move To New Home

Southport Bijou Cinema, new home of Wayfarers Chorus

The Wayfarers Chorus had their first rehearsal in their new venue last Tuesday. After many years of practicing in Birkdale, the chorus have moved into the Southport Bijou Cinema. The cinema is registered as a ‘Community Interest Company’ and operates on a not for profit basis. The management team are keen to support local businesses and the venue is a […]

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Wayfarers Rehearsals – The Date Is Set

Eighteen months on from the last face to face rehearsal, the Wayfarers Chorus will once more get together on 7th September. The majority of the chorus have been able to take advantage of technology, to continue rehearsals online. Internet speed differences mean it is virtually impossible to sing together live in harmony, so chorus members have been singing to teach […]

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Practice Makes Perfect

People often say that practice makes perfect and that is certainly true of close harmony acapella singing. If all goes well, it will not be much longer until Wayfarers Chorus are able to get back together at our rehearsal venue. During the lockdown we have been keeping in practice using Zoom to rehearse, but nothing beats standing shoulder to shoulder […]

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Wayfarers Resume Rehearsals

Following a break of more than 4 months, the Wayfarers Chorus last week resumed their rehearsals, albeit in a different format. Due to the continued restrictions resulting from the Covid pandemic, the chorus are not able to meet in person. Instead, they have taken to the Zoom platform. Technical limitations mean they are not able to produce their normal 4-part […]

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Vote for our next new song

All of the songs suggested by our members, to be our second new repertoire song in 2020, have now been reviewed by the music team. Availability of arrangements and song suitability have been considered. The factors used to whittle down the suggestions were: Availability of a good arrangement How well the song fit the brief (i.e. gentle, slow to medium […]

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Foremost Quartet In Demand

The Wayfarers Chorus based ‘Foremost’ quartet (Jeff, Garry, Ian & Pete) made two appearances last night (19 February), first singing at an independent living residence and then moving on to an open mic night, bringing a little variety to the guitar based acts. Blackwood Court, in Woolton, hold regular social evenings, featuring dinner and entertainment. As there is insufficient space […]

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Wayfarers Donate To Southport Soup Kitchen

The Wayfarers Chorus recently donated £650 to the Southport Soup Kitchen and were given a tour of the premises, including the impressive food bank. The Soup Kitchen provides ‘ Warm food, a place to rest and good company for the disadvantaged of Southport UK ‘ and Wayfarers Chorus is proud to be able to support such a good cause. Pictured […]

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Wayfarers Visit Liverpool Chorus

Thirteen members of Wayfarers chorus visited the Liverpool boys for a night of harmony and chats. We were well greeted at the Prescott Town Hall, ( most impressive?) and were received by approximately 21 Liverpool members, Each chorus sang three songs and then combined forces to sing another. Wayfarers sang well although we had to quickly recruit a Baritone for […]

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