Wayfarers Visit Liverpool Chorus

Thirteen members of Wayfarers chorus visited the Liverpool boys for a night of harmony and chats. We were well greeted at the Prescott Town Hall, ( most impressive?) and were received by approximately 21 Liverpool members,

Each chorus sang three songs and then combined forces to sing another. Wayfarers sang well although we had to quickly recruit a Baritone for each song, as none of the Wayfarers baritones were available on the evening.

The full joint chorus was directed by David Andrew and sang a number of favourites, including ‘Georgia’..

The interval provided Tea and Coffee accompanied by biscuits. Those who were not there missed a treat!

Following the interval, each chorus sang a further two songs (Wayfarers cheated and sang three) and then split into quartets with Pete, Roger and Garry leading the way.

The evening ended with Let’s Get Together again (Jim where were you!), before everybody parted company until the next time.

One of the beauties of Barbershop is that you can visit fellow choruses and guarantee that you will not only have a warm welcome but will know at least some of the songs they sing.

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