Wayfarers ‘Men In Mufty’ at NWAS

Nine members of Wayfarers Chorus sang at the North West Ambulance Service Christmas Dinner, on Christmas Day this year.  This dinner is organised by NWAS volunteers, for Southport residents who are elderly and alone at Christmas.

The occasion is self-funded, from donations raised during the year and each year the ambulance and fire staff work hard to make it happen.  The guests are all collected and brought to the ambulance station, where they are welcomed, entertained and provided a slap-up Christmas Dinner.  Each guest receives a gift from Santa and there is a free raffle to end the day, before they are taken home again.

Without the hard work of the ambulance and fire service, plus donations from the public Santa at NWASand local businesses, this couldn’t happen.  If you think you may be able to support their efforts in 2018 please get in touch with Sara Smith to find out how you can contribute.

The following is an excerpt from the email received from Sara following the dinner

The Wayfarers Chorus were brilliant, totally! We are so very grateful. Of the 6 people I took home, 3 have been to us on all of the past 4 years and they said you were the best entertainment we have had so far, so high praise indeed!


Please keep in touch, it was a privilege to have met you and I am truly grateful for all the help and support you and your friends have given us.

Wishing you all the best for the rest of Christmas and the New Year.


Kindest regards


Sara xx

The chorus and our smaller ‘Men In Black’ groups sing regularly throughout the year at care homes, but this must go down as one of the most satisfying performances we have given.

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