Learn To Sing In Harmony – January Update

Learn to sing in harmony with Wayfarers ChorusGood progress is being made in the organisation of our singing course.  We now have dates confirmed, roles assigned for the core working party and have even chosen the two songs we will learn during the course.

The two songs will be ‘Mr Sandman’ and ‘In My Life’.  We decided that it would be good for the students if the chorus already know one of the songs, so that we can better assist them in learning it.

Over the next few months we will be producing posters and placing adverts & editorial in the local press.  Preparing for and putting on the course is a big commitment so each member will be asked to contribute a little time along the way, even if it is only to place some posters around their home area.

To find out more and register interest in the course, click here.

More news soon

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