Learn To Sing In Harmony – March update

With less than a month to go until the start of our course interest is keen and places are quickly filling. Although the Wayfarers Chorus is based near Southport we appear to be attracting interest from far and wide and one of our course students has actually just moved into the area from the other side of the Atlantic!  Maybe […]

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Learn To Sing – February Update

Things continue to progress nicely with the organisation of the ‘Learn To Sing In Harmony‘ course, which we are running in April. We have received the artwork for our adverts and the adverts have been booked for 4 weeks in March.  The leaflets are ready to be distributed and we have already had two expressions of interest in the course. […]

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Learn To Sing In Harmony – January Update

Good progress is being made in the organisation of our singing course.  We now have dates confirmed, roles assigned for the core working party and have even chosen the two songs we will learn during the course. The two songs will be ‘Mr Sandman’ and ‘In My Life’.  We decided that it would be good for the students if the […]

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Quartet Contest Winners

Every November the Wayfarers Chorus hold a quartet night.  This is a friendly competition which gives members the opportunity to sing in a quartet.  There are no major prizes to be won, just a bottle of wine each, but the bragging rights are worth the effort. Singing in a quartet is possibly the most difficult form of close harmony a-capella, […]

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Wayfarers ‘Men In Mufty’ at NWAS

Nine members of Wayfarers Chorus sang at the North West Ambulance Service Christmas Dinner, on Christmas Day this year.  This dinner is organised by NWAS volunteers, for Southport residents who are elderly and alone at Christmas. The occasion is self-funded, from donations raised during the year and each year the ambulance and fire staff work hard to make it happen.  […]

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Chorus Member Of The Year

Every year, the Wayfarers Chorus members vote for their ‘Member Of The Year’ in a secret ballot.  This is the person who they consider to have made a particularly notable contribution to the club during the year. There are no rules as to what represents a notable contribution, it could have been organising events, helping with the practices or battling […]

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Learn To Sing In Harmony

Almost everybody loves music and almost everybody is capable of singing.  Some people just need a little encouragement whilst others find themselves singing along to songs wherever they may be. If you have ever thought you might like to learn how to sing, or to improve your singing, now is your chance.  In Autumn 2022 Wayfarers Chorus will be running […]

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Wayfarers 2017 Christmas Party

Once again the members of Wayfarers Chorus gathered together at The Park Golf Club in Southport, for our traditional Christmas party.  This is an opportunity for the chorus members to show their talents in areas other than those we practice every Tuesday night and a good time is always had by all. This year there were some extra special treats, […]

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